Lighting Savings Report | Alliance to Save Energy

Lighting Savings Report

Built Environment

A lot of energy consumption happens indoors, making buildings an important target for energy efficiency. And the energy efficiency toolkit is getting smarter: emerging innovations around building systems and grid-interactive technologies are combining with proven solutions like high-efficiency windows and insulation to make the promise of decarbonization a reality in the buildings sector. But to get there, we need to do more to push energy efficiency into the market.


Lighting Savings Report

These are findings from a new report, Commercial & Industrial Lighting Lifetime and Peak Demand Savings Analysis, published jointly by the Alliance (funded by GE Current, a Daintree company) and the DesignLights Consortium (DLC).

The report, prepared by Energy Futures Group as a component of the Alliance’s Systems Efficiency Resource Hub project, additionally provides a first-of-its-kind compilation of estimates related to peak demand impacts possible through such a systems approach, noting that peak savings available for targeting from commercial and industrial lighting technologies by 2035 could be over 37,000 megawatts.

View the webinar presentation by report authors and sponsors.




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