Blog to Save Energy | Alliance to Save Energy

Blog to Save Energy

Let's Save Energy

Alliance to Save Energy's Blog

The COVID-19 crisis is challenging many of the basic foundations of our society, stressing the capacity of healthcare facilities and creating the need to quickly adapt existing vacant facilities into temporary critical healthcare facilities. We need a way to rapidly transform buildings to...

It’s no secret that our nation’s infrastructure is badly in need of investment: The American Society of Civil Engineers gave it a D+ score in its 2017 report card.

The U.S. transportation sector has transformed since a 2015 highway bill, overtaking power plants as the top emitter of greenhouse gases, even with the increased presence of electric and alternative fuel vehicles. The upcoming transportation reauthorization bill presents a key opportunity for...

The hard work and long hours that the sponsors and their staff have put into this effort is obvious. This is the best version yet.

As homes and buildings become more connected, opportunities to manage energy use to save money will also increase. But for more than 20 million Americans who still lack access to high speed internet, these benefits remain largely out of reach.

It takes energy to get water, and it takes water to get most energy. We ought to consider them together, because policies that encourage us to use one more efficiently often reduce our need for the other. A bill advancing in the U.S. House of Representatives would ensure the Department of Energy...




Help the Alliance advocate for policies to use energy more efficiently – supporting job creation, reduced emissions, and lower costs. Contact your member of Congress.


Energy efficiency is smart, nonpartisan, and practical. So are we. Our strength comes from an unparalleled group of Alliance Associates working collaboratively under the Alliance umbrella to pave the way for energy efficiency gains.


The power of efficiency is in your hands. Supporting the Alliance means supporting a vision for using energy more productively to achieve economic growth, a cleaner environment, and greater energy security, affordability, and reliability.