State & Local | Page 6 | Alliance to Save Energy

State & Local

State & Local

If state and local governments are the nation’s policy laboratories, then some of the most exciting experiments – and enduring successes – are underway in the energy efficiency sector. These initiatives are supported by an array of federal energy efficiency programs including innovative financing, research and development, weatherization assistance, and building energy code training and compliance.

The Issue

From pilot programs to energy code implementation to market-moving incentive programs, state and local initiatives are critical for driving efficiency into local economies. While the Alliance focuses largely on federal policy, there is a strong connection between work happening at the federal level and that in cities and states across the country.

The Solution

The Alliance works closely with fellow advocates in support of robust funding and strong authorizations for efficiency programs used by states and local governments. Despite recent proposals to cut or severely reduce funding for state and local energy efficiency programs, Congress has responded with additional support for the work happening in their states and districts.

The Department of Energy estimates that every $50 million invested in the State Energy Program delivers about $225 million in saved energy costs. 

Congress sends money directly to states each year to support clean energy initiatives through the State Energy Program. States have leveraged the program to improve the energy efficiency of 43,000 buildings and educate more than 2.9 million energy auditors and contractors. Similarly, the federal Weatherization Assistance Program provides invaluable support in weatherizing about 35,000 homes for low-income families each year across the country. Weatherization assistance funding supports 8,500 jobs and saves participating low-income households about $280 on energy bills each year. 

In the case of building energy codes, the Department plays a limited but important role in the development of the International Energy Conservation Code, which serves as a template for state and local governments to adopt and enforce. The Department provides critical technical assistance and analysis, and gathers field data used to help determine compliance.

State & Local Resources

State & Local RESOURCES




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Energy efficiency is smart, nonpartisan, and practical. So are we. Our strength comes from an unparalleled group of Alliance Associates working collaboratively under the Alliance umbrella to pave the way for energy efficiency gains.


The power of efficiency is in your hands. Supporting the Alliance means supporting a vision for using energy more productively to achieve economic growth, a cleaner environment, and greater energy security, affordability, and reliability.