Alliance to Save Energy Applauds EPA and Congratulates Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Awardees | Alliance to Save Energy

Alliance to Save Energy Applauds EPA and Congratulates Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Awardees

The Alliance to Save Energy News

Alliance to Save Energy Applauds EPA and Congratulates Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Awardees

Release Date: Friday, April 5, 2024

Washington, DC— The Alliance to Save Energy applauds the Administration, EPA and the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund for defining the value and role of demand-side policy in the energy transition. Energy Efficiency is foundational to climate mitigation and sustainability, and the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund provides the necessary capital and relevant programs to lead the transition with immediate and accelerated investments in demand-side technologies,” said Alliance to Save Energy President, Paula Glover. Importantly, the awardees collectively are committed to placing 70% of announced program investments in low-income and disadvantaged communities, which is beyond the 40% requirement in thestatute,” said Glover. “These investments will reduce energy cost, add greater reliability to the grid, and directly impact a reduction in carbon emissions.”

We now know we cannot meet our climate obligations solely focused on supply-side solutions— doing so is far too costly, and but for immediate and accelerated investments in demand-side policies, the transition could be prohibitive.” “The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund includes energy efficiency as an enabling upgrade for community and rooftop solar in the $7 billion Solar for All Program— 100% of which must be invested in low income and disadvantaged communities; and the Fund additionally includes demand-side investments as major parts of every priority project type within the Fund’s remaining $20 billion dollars, including Distributed Energy Generation and Storage, Net-Zero Emissions Buildings, and Zero-Emissions Transportation.” “Fund programs will support and accelerate investments in demand flexibility, virtual power plants, and highly energy efficient investments behind the meter. “This is a win for climate mitigation, a win for U.S. energy policy, and a win for consumers,” said Glover. “We also know that the program is expected to leverage every dollar of federal funds with $7 of private capital, effectively bringing private capital off the sidelines and into sustainable climate investments.” “The Alliance looks forward to working with the EPA and the Fund’s program awardees in moving the transition forward,” Glover concluded.

About the Alliance to Save Energy

Founded in 1977, the Alliance to Save Energy is a leading energy efficiency coalition in the nation – anonprofit, bipartisan alliance of business, government, environmental and consumer leaders advocating forenhanced energy efficiency investments across all sectors of the economy.




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Energy efficiency is smart, nonpartisan, and practical. So are we. Our strength comes from an unparalleled group of Alliance Associates working collaboratively under the Alliance umbrella to pave the way for energy efficiency gains.


The power of efficiency is in your hands. Supporting the Alliance means supporting a vision for using energy more productively to achieve economic growth, a cleaner environment, and greater energy security, affordability, and reliability.