Sponsors of Mass Save
Associates of the Alliance
Alliance Associates represent more than 100 companies and organizations committed to advancing energy efficiency. For more information on the Alliance Associate program and how to join, visit our Join page.

Sponsors of Mass Save
Community First Partnership
Project Description:
Community First Partnership (CFP) is an equity-focused outreach program developed by the six Mass Save sponsors National Grid, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, Unitil, Cape Light Compact, and Berkshire Gas.
CFP seeks to increase energy efficiency participation among traditional energy efficiency non-participants, a group that includes: 1) residents of MA Environmental Justice Communities (EJCs), a designation from the Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs; 2) English isolated households; 3) renter occupied units; and 4) moderate-income households.
Working through lead vendor All In Energy, Mass Save sponsors provide up to $60,000 in annual awards to each participating community. In return, communities hire a local “Energy Advocate” who receives training (via a “train the trainer” model) and marketing support to launch community-based social marketing (CBSM) campaigns that encourage more residents and small business owners to take advantage of Mass Save energy efficiency programs.
Since launching in January 2022, CFP has launched 53 distinct outreach campaigns with 53 municipalities and/or local community-based organizations (CBOs) around Massachusetts (the majority of whom are EJCs). As of May 2023, these campaigns have generated the following results:
• 15,406 home energy assessment signups captured through landing pages and/or phone calls
• 36% YoY increase in 1-4 unit family home energy assessments in the first cohort of CFP partner communities (which launched in Jan 2022 and have had a full year in the program)
• 646,106 local impressions as reported by Energy Advocates
• 1445 logged Energy Advocate outreach activities (such as tabling at community events, canvassing, local radio appearances, etc)
• 22 co-branded mailers sent (co-signed by Mass Save sponsor utility and local municipality), with another 12 in flight.
• 17 capacity-building field marketing trainings for Energy Advocates
CFP’s “theory of change” is based on two guiding principles:
1) When trying to change behaviour – in this case, participation in Mass Save energy efficiency programming - outreach campaigns should come from local messengers (i.e. the Mayor, a school, a church group, etc) wherever possible to build trust and legitimacy
2) Local messengers should have the flexibility to be creative and nimble in designing outreach campaigns they know will resonate with their communities
Building off the initial successes of the Community First Partnership model, the Mass Save sponsors plan to increase CFP’s reach by adding additional partners and providing more resources for marketing support.
Thank you for your consideration for the Stars of Energy Efficiency Award. We are hopeful that the recognition from this award can help drive additional awareness and participation in our partner communities, as well as help us recruit new municipalities and CBOs to become CFP partners.
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Energy efficiency is smart, nonpartisan, and practical. So are we. Our strength comes from an unparalleled group of Alliance Associates working collaboratively under the Alliance umbrella to pave the way for energy efficiency gains.
The power of efficiency is in your hands. Supporting the Alliance means supporting a vision for using energy more productively to achieve economic growth, a cleaner environment, and greater energy security, affordability, and reliability.