| Alliance to Save Energy
Event 11/16/15 Clean Power Plan and the Clean Energy Incentive Plan – Does Weatherization Fit?
Benefits / Policy Page Active Efficiency
Individual Profile Kathleen Hogan
Event 10/14/14 to 10/15/14 Maryland Clean Energy Summit 2014
Event 08/21/18 to 08/23/18 2018 Energy Exchange and Better Buildings Summit
Event 06/18/14 House Appropriations Committee Mark-Up of FY'15 Energy & Water Bill
Page Modernize
Event 06/10/15 Summer Workshop 2015: The Impact of the Changing Market Landscape on Energy Efficiency Investment, Project Design, and Implementation
Individual Profile Taryn Holowka
Event 01/27/15 to 01/29/15 Energy & Climate Change Conference
Event 05/04/16 Going Green Conference
Event 02/27/14 Economic Impacts of the Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution
Event 11/18/15 ND CPP Event: Solicitation of Views and Comments on State Plan (Fargo)
Event 09/05/12 EE Noon: Back to School with Energy Efficiency
Organization Profile Dentons
Individual Profile Jason Reott
Event 11/13/14 to 11/14/14 2014 CHP Association Policy Forum
Event 05/04/21 Energy Efficiency Global Forum 2021
Event 06/19/14 Webinar: Partnerships between water and energy utilities to address water/energy challenges
Page Join Us
Event 06/23/15 Washington Post "America Answers" Series: Powering Cities
Event 02/11/15 House Energy Committee Hearing on DOE's FY'16 Budget
Event 09/19/23 Evening With the Stars of Energy Efficiency Awards Gala
Event 09/22/16 EarthCraft Light Commercial Deep Energy Package Webinar
Event 03/28/14 National Renewable Energy Policy Forum: Evolving Policy to Keep Pace With Market Innovation
Event 01/29/13 EE Insider with Jake Oster
Organization Profile Energy Futures Initiative
Individual Profile Aimee Skrzekut
Event 02/23/15 Climate Leadership Conference 2015
Individual Profile Rebecca Price




Help the Alliance advocate for policies to use energy more efficiently – supporting job creation, reduced emissions, and lower costs. Contact your member of Congress.


Energy efficiency is smart, nonpartisan, and practical. So are we. Our strength comes from an unparalleled group of Alliance Associates working collaboratively under the Alliance umbrella to pave the way for energy efficiency gains.


The power of efficiency is in your hands. Supporting the Alliance means supporting a vision for using energy more productively to achieve economic growth, a cleaner environment, and greater energy security, affordability, and reliability.